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Friday, January 8, 2010

Letter to Senator Nelson from one of his Constituents

Dear Senator Nelson:

I send this message under Tort Reform because the current monstrosity you have pledged your support to says nothing whatsoever about Tort Reform. You have sold the physicians of Nebraska for zilch (zilch for us, but beaucoup federal bucks for you and the liberal partisans in this state). As a family practice physician in Small Town, Nebraska, I was counting on you to be the lone voice of Democratic sanity on this issue, but you sold me out. I will dedicate every spare  minute of my time and every spare dollar I have to defeating you, should you run for re-election. The long hours I spent on my medical education and the long hours I spend treating my patients are nothing but chump change to you and your Democrat colleagues in Washington. I especially cant wait for your equivocation and milquetoast evasion when your compromises on the abortion language in the bill are silently erased or quietly (on-little-legislative-cats-feet) eviscerated in the
House/Senate give-and-take. Go on: Bet me that you wont wuss-out on this issue!

I know you wont give two-seconds to this letter, but I had to write it. I'm a primary care doctor in YOUR state, and you sold me out.

I didn't slog through 4 years of college and 4 years of medical school and 3 years of residency just to have you hand my career and my patient/doctor relationships over to government lifers. Your gutless acquiescence to Obama and Harry Reid and Nanny Pelosi will NOT be forgotten.

 Thank you, Ben, for forcing doctors like me to earn less than the repairmen who fix our appliances. Case in point: We recently had our dishwasher fixed. The repairman who came to our house charged $65 just to come and diagnose the problem, then charged another $180 to fix the problem. You and your fellow lawmakers have fixed MY going rate (Medicare) at $35 per-visit. Thank you for securing such a lucrative rate for me! Thank you so much for making me someone with 8 years of education make less than a mechanic or appliance repair technician.

And thanks especially for falling in line with Obama and the rest of the Democrats to make such a socialist system permanent.

You have my disgust and disdain forever, you socialist-coddling

>  Sincerely,

>  Becky F. Hollibaugh, D.O.

Warren Memorial Hospital

>  Ziimmerman Clinic

>  Friend, NE 68359

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About DD for Liberty

We render unto Caesar, but we write Caesar's laws.
We should write and uphold laws that go no further than protecting your God given right to life, liberty and property, the pursuit of happiness.
I am a wife and mother that wants the best for her family. The best as I see it is for Government to get out of the way.
God is our protector and has equipped us with all the faculties and means necessary for a productive and free life and I need no man to tell my family what is best for them.
I am a Patriot and Libertarian.
I am a fan of the greatest Peacemaker Jesus.
Taxation is theft.
If you seek security over liberty you deserve neither.
My favorite quote:

“If ye love wealth better than liberty, the tranquility of servitude than the animating contest of freedom, — go from us in peace. We ask not your counsels or arms. Crouch down and lick the hands which feed you. May your chains sit lightly upon you, and may posterity forget that ye were our countrymen!”~Samuel Adams